Plot# 8, Road# 3, Sector# 15, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh.

Our Services

Working Hours

Tuseday 10:00am - 2:00pm
Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm


Message from the President

Taslima Kabir, President BERNOSSUS

Along with the tireless work of my fellow Executive Committee Members, our staff, student ambassadors, and with your help, BERNOSSUS reopened the Health Center in August 2020, after its closure during April-July 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. Our team members werepresent on-site to welcome donors to distribute masks and food to child patients and PPE to staff as well as oversee regular walk-in care of women and child patients.

The Executive Committee continues managing BERNOSSUS virtually since the beginning of the pandemic. Since August 2020, we have been connecting with members and donors via monthly video conferences. We are committed to serving our community of patients and members despite the continued challenges of the pandemic.

Our prayers go out to the souls of the members we lost during 2019-2020, including our advisor, Prof. Dr. Jamilur Reza Choudhury, Meena Aziz, Dr. Abdul Hafiz, Dr. Dilruba Jalal, Dr. Hasna Raquib and Engr. M.R. Choudhury.

In 2021, we would like to expand our clinic operating hours to care for more underprivileged women and children as their needs for support now are even more. Your generosity with your time, talent, and donations is sincerely appreciated.

Late Prof. M. Kabiruddin Ahmed, FRCS, FACS, FICS

Former Principal, Professor and Head of the department of surgery and founder of Burn Unit of Dhaka Medical College & Hospital

Late Prof. M. Kabiruddin Ahmed, FRCS, FACS, FICS, former Principal, Professor and Head of the department of surgery and founder of Burn Unit of Dhaka Medical College & Hospital envisioned primary health care for all women and children of Bangladesh so that chronic diseases can be prevented and diseases like cancer can be diagnosed before it spreads.

Along with a group of physicians and philanthropists, he established a small-scale health delivery system by opening a half day - Friday clinic inside a school classroom at Uttara Azampur Primary school, Dhaka in 1997.

Dr. Kabir intended that this organization will some day open a hospital and a health science educational institute staffed mostly by female physicians as primary doctors, and women will be trained to be physicians, nurses, therapists, and lab technicians.

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